Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Learners are still, will be learning
Hey Reader. ;) [if you are good enough to read this post. :|] Wanna be a learner? Wanna be? Wanna be? Wanna be like me? ;) I am stealing some of your little time to visit this site, just click the link below.
I've learn so many many a lot many of things from this site. So I am now sharing to you, as a learner one of the ways how to become a learner to. :D haha. And so, Andrea's journey continues on being a fast, slow, medium learner. :) *public access as always*
Labels: eerie-silence, learner, learning
I flew away by 1:14:00 PM
welcoming myself. ;)
Hey Andrea!
Welcome to! Your trusty online journal. Feel free to write, explore and look around the "blogspots" of other people. Write your thoughts and emotions for you to express what you feel. Don't be shy okay? And always remember that your blogspot is for Public Access. You must not post anything that's rude and might hurt other people. Open your mind to the reality. Always. Okay. That's all. Enjoy!
*Public Access as Always.*
Truly Yours,
Labels: bloggie, first, Welcome
I flew away by 12:38:00 PM